Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)


The Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) resource library provides health and safety online courses and certificates for different industries to meet the demand in workplace occupational health and safety for a more skilled, competent, and safe workforce. This Library offers over 80 online courses and was designed to meet the different requirements of provincial and federal government legislation as well as to provide an incremental learning path leading towards three competency-based online certificates.


Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) are radioactive elements, which can be found in the earth’s crust and inside the tissue of living things. Usually NORM concentrations are low and not considered a safety issue, however, higher and more dangerous, concentrations result from human activities such as oil and gas production. This course includes NORM regulations, the effect of NORM and how to effectively control NORM waste to protect yourself, the public, and the environment. It has been designed to help you meet all regulatory and government requirements including the Occupational Health and Safety Code.


This is a two-hour online course



Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Describe Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) and the associated types of radiation
  • Describe the hazards associated with radiation and NORM
  • Understand the regulatory framework pertaining to NORM in the workplace
  • Discuss NORM detection and control programs
  • Identify who to contact if you suspect NORM is present or if you want to dispose of NORM
  • Identify responsibilities with respect to managing NORM exposure at work
  • List industries that may have NORM as a potential exposure hazard
  • Describe the use of a NORM detector
  • List and describe NORM detection and measurement methods
  • List the requirements for sampling methods
Refund Policy
We do not provide refunds, however if you have not signed into the course we will provide a credit for another course.

Any questions please contact us.