Our Passion

SWIFT learning has been dedicated to the research and development of performance-based software technologies since 2003. Our technologies include; a SaaS eLearning platform that offers organizations and SMEs the ability to leverage and launch mobile, adaptive learning in over 100 languages; SAHARA (Safety and Health Awareness Risk Assessment) an app technology; https://swiftlearning.com/sahara-4-engery-resources-industry/and the SWIFT AI LLM technology https://swiftlearning.com/swiftai/?swcfpc=1 .

SWIFT Learning is a team organization that thrives on creative thinking and entrepreneurial values that we apply in our own business and in the work we do with our clients and partners. We are committed to an ongoing program of research and development to stay at the forefront of a rapidly changing technological and knowledge-based economy.

If your objectives include improving the performance of your people, increasing profits and higher ROI, creating new and recurring revenues, then we are your partner. We will work closely with you to deliver value and competitive advantages unmatched by our closest competitors. We have the people, the partners, the most advanced technological products, and the passion. 

SWIFT Learning is a philanthropic organization. As the founder of The Safety in Schools Foundation of Canada (SiS) we have donated over $6,000,000.00 in-kind contributions as of 2023 providing our Occupational Health and Safety, Mental Health and Well-being, Energy Career Literacy eLearning courses, state-of-the-art hosting services, and customer support.  Whether you are a customer or a partner you are contributing to our philanthropy programs!


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Our Mission

Driven by passion our mission is to continue our track record for delivering impactful technological solutions that are unbiased, educational, and factual, along with responsive skilled personnel and exemplary customer service.

Founder and CEO – Kim Adolphe


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