sahara - gold

Patent Pending

4 Custom Solutions

We can customize SAHARA  in a matter of days depending on your requirements!  From regional HSE regulations, workplace settings and practices, specific  worksite hazards to corporate office settings, we can custom develop SAHARA to meet your unique needs.

Both employees and/or employers can complete the hazard assessment for comparison reporting and continuous safety performance improvement opportunities. If a hazard is not listed, it can be added along with the likelihood and severity risk promoting a proactive culture and accurate real-time assessment of overall workplace risk.

With extensive reporting and data analytic capabilities we can help organizations educate, empower, and proactively mitigate mental health issues and, reduce incidents in the workplace – that is our mission.  

SAHARA Web-enabled and Mobile App

  • Customize existing SAHARA hazard matrices
  • Customize or edit Personal Wellness Assessment
  • Create corporate workplace specific hazard matrix

SWIFT eLearning Courses

  • Customize any existing SWIFT course
  • Develop new courses for SAHARA hazard matrix and/or Personal Wellness Assessment
  • Integrate other third-party courses.


  • Link inspections, audits, compliance, intelligent permits, and other resources
  • Predictive Data Analytics implementing ML and AI functionality
  • Custom Report


  • External software systems such as HRIS or other LMSs
  • Brain Gauge is a sensorimotor testing assessment integrated with the SWIFT SaaS Platform that measures specific spheres in the brain e.g., fatigue, speed, accuracy, plasticity, etc.
  • Mental alertness, auditory, screen tracing dexterity, or visual challenge or games.
  • Reaction time test or eye-tracking
  • IoT e.g., biometric data such as heart rate, blood pressure, recorded sleep, recorded activity
  • Inputting hazards via pictures or video 
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