PROTECT Your Workers With SAHARA!
Promote a proactive, worker-centric workplace safety culture.
Retain workers by supporting their mental health and well-being.
Open a new paradigm to improve overall safety performance.
Train and educate to engrain a safety-first mindset.
Empower workers to take control of their well-being and fitness for work.
Create a safety culture that encourages honest responses.
Transform your corporate culture with SAHARA!
Many governments around the world are working to use standards to establish mental health in the workplace as a recognized and permanent value. Canada and the United Kingdom are two leading examples.
The Canadian Mental Health Commission, in their booklet – Making the Case for Investing in Mental Health in Canada, reported that the economic cost of mental illnesses to the Canadian healthcare and social support system was projected at $79.9 billion for the year 2021.
SAHARA is a SaaS, workplace risk assessment, safety and mental health management and training technology that enables organizations to take proactive steps to realize measurable improvements in safety performance and corporate wellness.
Our mission – to help educate, empower, and proactively mitigate physical and mental health related risks to reduce incidents in the workplace.
SAHARA allows organizations of all sizes to cost-effectively meet and exceed the requirements outlined in the CAN/CSA-Z1003-13/BNQ 9700-803/2013 National Standard of Canada .
This Standard specifies requirements for a documented and systematic approach to develop and sustain a psychosocial healthy and safe workplace including a framework to create and continually improve a psychologically healthy and safe workplace specifically:
SAHARA educates and empowers workers to recognize potential hazards and how their mental health and mindset directly correlates to increasing their risk of injury in the workplace. The human factors and the hazards identified in the work environment are combined to calculate the Risk Level. The worker’s Risk Level is displayed excluding specific details from their Personal Wellness Self-Assessment.
Anonymity is key to honest responses and eliminating evaluator bias. There may be factors which create an additional hazard the worker does not want to disclose. For example, they may be a driver or operator taking antidepressant medication which is known to cause blurred vision and anxiety, but they do not wish to tell their employer about their medical details.
The Personal Wellness Self-Assessment is confidential and correlates to the worker/employee’s current mental health. Questions related to personal safety, psychological issues, well-being, and right to refuse unsafe work align with emerging standards. Workers that trigger a .
Self-assessed workplace human factors can relate to how the worker is engaged and tasked at the workplace. These may include comfort, confidence, self-assessed ability, training, accident history, peer-pressure, asking for help, pressure to complete work, support etc.
Customizable questions can be specific to the worker at the time of assessment, independent of the workplace and duties e.g., mental fitness-for-work, alertness, sleep, distraction, alcohol or drug impairment components, language, hunger, dehydration, travel time, stress, fatigue, jetlag, shift pattern, anxiety of personal life, despair.
Personalized Recommendations are provided including mobile eLearning courses that directly relate to their job, workplace, selected hazards, and their Personal Self-Assessment. If a High-Risk Level is triggered, workers can access immediate support to an anonymous crisis response support organization and/or Corporate HR representative.
See Industry Vertical Examples – SAHARA 4 Energy, Resources, & Industry , SAHARA 4 Service Hospitality and Tourism , and SAHARA 4 Welding . We can customize or create a new SAHARA version that meets your hazard assessment and safety requirements. SAHARA is delivered free to high schools through the SiS Foundation of Canada.
Click here to see the full list of eLearning courses.
SWIFT conducted a focus group with eight organizations in the service hospitality industry and concluded that the process for assessing hazards was completely disjointed, confusing, and frustrating for managers and supervisors, not to mention the employee. A formal process for assessing psychological health was non-existent.
The SAHARA 4 Service Hospitality and Tourism course is delivered free to high schools through the SiS Foundation. The SiS Foundation is a non-profit organization that has been delivering health, safety, environment, mental health and well-being courses since 2011, with more than 150,000 course completion certificates issued to date.
We can customize SAHARA in a matter of days depending on your requirements! From regional HSE regulations, workplace settings and practices, specific worksite hazards to corporate office settings, we can custom develop SAHARA to meet your unique needs.
Both employees and/or employers can complete the hazard assessment for comparison reporting and continuous safety performance improvement opportunities. If a hazard is not listed, it can be added along with the likelihood and severity risk promoting a proactive culture and accurate real-time assessment of overall workplace risk.
With extensive reporting and data analytic capabilities we can help organizations educate, empower, and proactively mitigate mental health issues and, reduce incidents in the workplace – that is our mission.
SAHARA Web-enabled and Mobile App
SWIFT eLearning Courses
SAHARA was one of the most exciting new programs SWIFT launched for youth through the SiS Foundation of Canada . What started as a hazard risk app designed to educate youth about how to recognize hazards in the workplace has become a game changing technology that takes a novel and proactive approach to how we assess hazards on the job and in our daily lives.
We know that the highest rates of incidents in the workplace are between the ages of 18 and 24. Teachers are able to set up their students in over 70 industry-recognized courses including the SAHARA courses linked to the app. Students can download the free SAHARA App from the Google and Apple stores and begin learning about physical hazards in the workplace and how their mental health is a critical factor that impacts their safety!
The first version we launched was for the service hospitality and tourism industry where most young people get their first jobs. Teachers can register their students from the teacher dashboard.
SAHARA will empower young people to recognize how their mental health impacts the decisions that they make and, how that directly correlates to increasing their risk of sustaining an injury or, a dangerous situation in the workplace