
This course provides learners with knowledge of the covert methods of communication used by Latin King gang members. The emphasis is on deciphering and code-cracking of real confiscated documents.

This course is a two-hour online course.



Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Recognize the covert methods of communication used by Latin King gang members and inmates in correctional facilities and in other situations where secret communication is used
  • Analyze and practice code-cracking using actual confiscated documents
  • Recognize patterns that help to decode documents and develop an appreciation for the ingenuity of criminals to hide their messages
  • Identify symbols, colors, hand signs, and tattoos used by Latin gangs & inmates
  • Develop an awareness of the common methods used by Latin gangs & inmates to communicate covertly
  • Identify specific Latin gang identifiers
  • Familiarize yourself with real-life examples of deciphered Latin gang documents, and
  • Become familiar with the Latin King Gang Codes
Refund Policy
We do not provide refunds, however if you have not signed into the course we will provide a credit for another course.

Any questions please contact us.

Patterns on Paper & Latin Kings


All five courses in the Gang & Inmate Secret Codes certification are designed to provide law enforcement officers, criminal justice students and workers, or anyone interested in the secret world of gang members and inmates with the knowledge of the covert methods of communication in correctional facilities and in other situations where secret communication is used. If you’re a fan of Dan Brown books, you’ll find Gary’s courses fascinating and a real eye opener into the clandestine world of gangs. The emphasis is on deciphering and code-cracking of real confiscated documents. The courses are designed using plain language, actual pictures and documents, exercises, and questions to test your understanding.