Different types of respiratory hazards may exist in your workplace. A regulatory framework that includes legislation and standards governs when such hazards have been identified in a hazard assessment, the selection, care, and use of Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE). This course has been designed to help you meet all regulatory and government requirements including the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code. This course will provide managers, supervisors, and workers with the information that they need to design, develop, and implement a Respiratory Protection Program.
This is a two-hour online course.
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
- Explain how the respiratory system works
- Understand the types of respiratory hazards present in the workplace
- Discuss the two main types of respirator and explain their selection
- Understand the selection, limitations of use, fitting, and care of different types of RPE
- Understand the legislative requirements related to the use of RPE including the importance of the related standards
- Describe manager, supervisor, and worker responsibilities with respect to the implementation of RPE
- Define SCBA and how it is used
- Distinguish between the effects on the upper and lower respiratory system for different hazards
- Describe usage conditions for RPE