Working in Confined Spaces


The Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) resource library provides health and safety online courses and certificates for different industries to meet the demand in workplace occupational health and safety for a more skilled, competent, and safe workforce. This Library offers over 80 online courses and was designed to meet the different requirements of provincial and federal government legislation as well as to provide an incremental learning path leading towards three competency-based online certificates.


Many workers need to enter confined spaces to perform such functions as repairs, inspections or maintenance, which can be very dangerous. Proper equipment and procedures must be used and workers must be thoroughly trained to reduce the risks associated with the hazards that are present. This course has been designed to help you meet regulatory and government requirements.

This is a two hour online course.

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Identify confined spaces
  • List and describe the hazards found in confined spaces
  • Understand how to protect yourself against confined space hazards
  • Explain use of entry permits and employee responsibilities
  • Explain why confined spaces are hazardous
  • List the members of a confined space entry team
  • List the information required for a confined space entry permit
  • List conditions that must be satisfied before a confined space is entered
  • Identify the responsibilities of each member of a confined space entry team
  • Describe the requirements for a hazard assessment, review of work conditions, and pre-work planning
  • Explain when air testing is required
Refund Policy
We do not provide refunds, however if you have not signed into the course we will provide a credit for another course.

Any questions please contact us.